Unshackling Bail Reform: The Misguided Nature of Bill C-48 by M Yuel
In early 2023, an Ontario police officer lost their life at the hands of an individual who had been granted judicial release, otherwise...

Mental Health Courts - a discussion by J Mann
Mental Health Courts (“MHCs” or the “MHC”) began to appear in the United States in the 1990s and continued to expand when the US federal...

The Brother’s Ear: Speculation, Weak Instruction, and Other Shortcomings in Schneider by Lisa Haydey and Laraib Khaliqdina
The Brother’s Ear: Speculation, Weak Instruction, and Other Shortcomings in Schneider Can a phone conversation between a man and his...

R v Webbe-Wong: A Reminder of the Frailties of Cross-Racial Identification Evidence
J Papoff Abstract On its own merits, eyewitness evidence is problematic and poses challenges to the truth-finding function of Canada’s...

R v J.J – The Admissibility of a Victim’s Entire Life
The admission of evidence in a trial dealing with sexual offences is always a sensitive topic.