CALL FOR PAPERS: Closes February 1, 2021
We are down to less than one month to get your submissions in to info@robsoncrim.com The Manitoba Law Journal in conjunction with...

Robson Crim Enters Third Year with New Journals and New Contributors
As we embark upon the new academic year, Robson Crim is pleased to announce that we are in press for 2 new volumes of the Manitoba Law...

Call for Papers - MB Law Journal & Robson Crim's Criminal Law Edition (Due Feb 1, 2019)
CALL FOR PAPERS: Due February 1, 2019 Manitoba Law Journal - Robson Crim’s Fourth Special Issue on Criminal Law The Manitoba Law Journal...

Social Sciences and Humanities Inform Evidence Based Practice in Law! Look out for the new MLJ 40(3)
Within several weeks, Robsoncrim.com will proudly present the Manitoba Law Journal Robson Crim Special Edition on Criminal Law! When we...

CALL FOR PAPERS: Deadline February 1, 2018
The Manitoba Law Journal in conjunction with Robsoncrim.com are pleased to announce our second annual call for papers in Criminal Law. We...