Welcome to Professors Trask and Murchison as RC Editors
The Editorial Team grows here at Robson Crim with two new exciting additions. Robson Crim is housed in Robson Hall, one of Canada's...

Dr. Kjell Anderson Joins Robsoncrim.com Editorial Board
With the addition of Kjell Anderson to the Robsoncrim.com editorial board we welcome an internationally acclaimed jurist and academic to...

Robsoncrim welcomes Colton Fehr to Team
Happy new year everyone. It has been a while since we added someone to our collective here at robsoncrim.com We are delighted that Colton...

Dr. Katharina Maier Joins Us to Collaborate
It is always wonderful to be able to welcome a new person to our collaborator team. It is with great excitement that we welcome Dr....

Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli Joins Robson Crim Team
It is always wonderful when a new collaborator joins the team at Robsoncrim.com. Our collaborators help our blogging happen, but more...