To Bring the World to Account – Part Two
By A. Kwok This entry is part two of a miniseries of blogs about the Symposium on the Proposal to Create an International Anti-Corruption...

Neuroscience, Restorative Justice, and Winston Churchill
Nancy Kirk and Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich This blog post answers a riddle: what connects justice, neuroscience, and Winston Churchill? The...

To Bring the World to Account: Introducing a System to Tackle International Corruption - A Kwok
This entry is part one of a miniseries of blogs about the Symposium on the Proposal to Create an International Anti-Corruption Court....

Book Review of Robert Diab and Chris D.L. Hunt, Search and Seizure (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2023)
By Colton Fehr* Irwin Law’s “Essentials” series is deservedly among the most populous on bookshelves in Canadian law schools, libraries,...

Transnational Collaboration and AI in RJ: Technology Facilitating Social Justice
Looking Internationally from 2023 at Potential Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Restorative Justice Processes Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich...