A Brave New World Revisited for the 21st Century - John Burchill
Wandering between two worlds, one dead The other powerless to be born, With nowhere yet to rest my head Like these, on earth I wait...
Tattoos – The Final Frontier of Dress Codes? by John Burchill
Tattoos – The Final Frontier of Dress Codes? __________________________________________ Almost a decade ago I wrote an article on tattoos...
Do Polygraphist's Have Fangs? (or taking a bite out of the polygraph) - by J Burchill
John Burchill's latest work takes a closer look at the use and efficacy of polygraph's in the below paper - the latest feature from our...
SOWING THE SEEDS OF TRAGEDY: Loud Parties, Mischief and Warrantless Entries by John Burchill
"The police across Canada and the United States respond to thousands of noise complaints every year. In 2020 the Winnipeg Police received...
Privacy, Surveillance and Snooping Behind Blue Lines: Surveillance within the Police Force
Conceptions of privacy are changing. With the proliferation of social media, unparalleled connectivity and technological innovation, we...