Criminalizing LGBT Communities in Canada: Now and Then (a student blog)
In the past twenty years or so, there have been huge strides in the acceptance of LGBT communities in Canada and a societal push to amend...
Pride, Police, and Doug Ford: One of These Things is Not Like the Other One
Year after year, the debate resurfaces as to whether uniformed police officers should be allowed to participate in Pride parades. The...
Wedding Cakes and Equality - an Optimistic US Perspective (a student blog)
Arguably one of the most important United States Supreme Court cases of this current term is Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil...
Trinity Western Law School: Let the market open if there is no harm (a law student's perspective
Recently, Trinity Western University in Langley, BC has come under considerable scrutiny, particularly by the legal community. This is as...