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New Team Members at

Editorial Team

At our research team just became stronger again! We are committed to interdisciplinary and collaborative work in the broad area of criminal law and justice. We are proud to collaborate across institutions and the world to bring a broad range of perspectives to you.

We are pleased to welcome Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich, and Mandi Gray to our research team.

Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich is the Program Director for the Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution at Carleton University. She was the first person to ever graduate with a Ph.D. from Carleton's Department of Law and Legal Studies. In addition to her academic work, she has been an Ontario lawyer for fourteen years. She worked in private practice from 2003 – 2009, starting at a large firm, doing a range of litigation work including criminal defense. Subsequently, she worked for six years as Staff Lawyer, Law Reform and Equality, to the Canadian Bar Association, then as a Policy Counsel with the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.

Mandi Gray is a PhD candidate at York University in the Department of Sociology. Mandi has published in peer-reviewed journals including Studies in Social Justice and Interdisciplinary Justice Research and news media including Toronto Star and NOW Magazine. She is currently the research director of a documentary film titled Slut or Nut: The Diary of a Rape Trial (2017), documenting the experiences of victim/witnesses in rape trials in Canada. Mandi’s work focuses on women’s experiences of the law and access to justice utilizing ethnographic and qualitative research methods.

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