Socius Calls for Papers with Editor Melanie M. Hughes
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World invites papers for a special issue on gender in the 2016 elections. We invite contributions on all topics relevant to gender and politics. Potential topics could include (but are not limited to): gender and the executive; women, social policy, and state legislative elections; intersectionality and the media; gender and public opinion; and women in changing political institutions. Informative papers on trends or cross-national comparisons are welcome as long as they are framed in relation to the 2016 U.S. election. The issue is scheduled to be published Spring 2017. The deadline for manuscript submissions is January 15, 2017. To submit a manuscript, go to and follow the instructions provided. Clearly state in your cover letter that the manuscript is for consideration in the 2016 election special issue. All submissions will be peer reviewed per normal Socius practice. Questions about the special issue can be directed to the guest editors, Pam Paxton, at or Melanie Hughes, at About Socius Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World is the open-access journal of the American Sociological Association. Socius aims to make new research readily available. It provides an online forum for the rapid dissemination of peer-reviewed empirical work, produced in time to be relevant to ongoing debates. Socius is a place to find fresh ideas, early discoveries, and open theoretical problems that can pose new challenges for social science. Committed to an efficient peer review process and open access, Socius’s online format ensures that all scientifically sound sociological research from any subfield can be published, without the volume constraints imposed by traditional print limits. Traditional manuscript styles are welcome, but we strongly encourage short papers and those providing interesting empirical findings that may spark innovation and future work.