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Professor Karen Busby Lectures on Campus Sexual Harassment and University Responses

In the glare of an apparent inadequacy of intake and responses to campus sexual assault and harassment, CBC recently reported that a number of sexual misconduct investigations are underway at Ontario's Universities:

  • Carleton: 3 reports/investigations

  • McMaster: 1 report/investigation

  • Queen's: 6 reports

  • Ryerson: not provided

  • University of Toronto: declined to provide

  • Western: 9 formal reports; 6 investigations

  • York: 1 report/investigation

Similarly, University of Manitoba has been embroiled in a confidential investigation involving a former professor and his conduct towards students on campus.

Following her recent seminar on university responses to sexual harassment and assault complaints, Robson Hall Professor Karen Busby has graciously provided us with her power point presentation. We hope you find her presentation as informative as those attending did during her talk on October 12, 2017.

Click here to see this important presentation.

Seeing Justice Done

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