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Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli Joins Robson Crim Team


It is always wonderful when a new collaborator joins the team at Our collaborators help our blogging happen, but more importantly they continue to expand our network across Canada joining criminal law, criminology, justice and corrections scholars in a living constellation of knowledge dissemination. They are also vital for our peer review network for the Manitoba Law Journal's Robson Crim Edition. We are delighted to have Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli join us at

Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli is a Professor of Sociology, the Coordinator for Criminology, and Co-Coordinator for Police Studies at Memorial University. Her research is centered on evolving understandings of gender, vulnerabilities, risk, and experiences and issues within different facets of the criminal justice system. Beyond her work on the realities of penal living and community re-entry for federally incarcerated men in Canada, her current work includes a focus on the experiences of correctional officers and police officers given the potential for compromised psychological, physical, and social health inherent to the occupations. Her sources of active research funding include: Correctional Services Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), Memorial University’s Office of the Vice President Research and Harris Centre.

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